An Apple a Day: The ABC’s of Diet & Disease


An Apple A Day–The ABCs of Diet and Disease, a wise, sometimes hilarious handbook that stresses preventative choices and a healthy lifestyle. A powerful and effective guide to smart eating, the book is a must for every home and office library. Presented in an alphabetical format, the book covers topics ranging from apples and alcohol to zinc and zucchini, and everything in between. The fun, fact-filled tome is peppered with historical highlights, witty quotes and healthful recipes throughout, in chapters such as “Chocolate, Chocolate and More Chocolate,” “Fear of Flatulence,” “Mad Cows and Big Macs,” “Pizza, Pasta and Prostates,” “Quiche Me,” and “Veggies, Vitamins and Viagra.” For example, in Chapter A, on the subject of alcohol’s possible protective effects against the development of Alzheimer’s disease, Bancroft quotes the May 2000 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association: “…those who had one or two drinks per day had a 50% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease”.

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